January 2015 Newsletter
Mindfully Supporting your New Year Resolutions
January. ..
A time when the ensuing year is young, new.
A time of reflection on what has been, and resolutions of what will be.
Depending upon where we live this month may represent barren trees, gray skies, snow covered ground, and winter winds.
An invitation…
Notice where your resolutions might be filled with harsh expectations, perhaps even laced with self-criticism.
What if…
you anchored your resolutions in a sense of goodwill toward yourself?
offering yourself qualities such as gratitude, generosity, compassion, kindness, and benevolence as you plan strategies and set goals around your resolutions.
What would that be like?
How would that change things?
Self-Compassion is the foundation of wellness.
Self-Compassion is the bridge between knowing what to do for yourself and actually doing it.
Dropping into awareness and stillness allows us to recognize life, color, beauty, and warmth in a winter scene.
So too can it guide us to our own innate goodness and goodwill, and the willingness to open the heart inwardly, to ourselves.
May you be filled with peace, ease, and joy! |