“We don’t undertake meditation to become better meditators. We meditate to have a better life.” – Sharon Salzberg

“We don’t undertake meditation to become better meditators. We meditate to have a better life.” – Sharon Salzberg

Great quote by Sharon Salzberg: “We don’t undertake meditation to become better meditators. We meditate to have a better life.”  What does a “better life” look like for you? What are you intentions for today? Do they support your well-being, your inner peace?  

Post ID: 816

Mindful Monday! Please join us tomorrow evening, June 2nd at Magnolia’s Bloom from 6:00-7:15 pm! The Monday evening mindfulness sessions at Magnolia’s Bloom will be breaking for the summer after June 2nd. Stay tuned for new opportunities and summer events with Fully Mindful! If you would…

What is your intention for summer? Mindful awareness or emotional roller coasters?

What is your intention for summer? Mindful awareness or emotional roller coasters?

June has arrived! And with it comes the promise of summer with all of its bounty! The thought of this warms my heart and produces a smile. When I bring my mindfulness practice to this thought, the question arises: What is my intention for summer?…

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day!

Monday evening Mindfulness is in session this evening at Magnolia’s Bloom! As we steep in this holiday of remembering those who have sacrificed for us, what arises? Empathy? Gratitude? Generosity?  Gift yourself a moment of mindfulness today! Drop into the moment and and enjoy the…

Why choose mindfulness?

Why choose mindfulness?

Why choose mindfulness? Everything starts with awareness and intention….everything! whether we are talking about performing our jobs, maintaining our relationships, choosing our leisure time, playing a sport, or most importantly relating to our own lives; everything starts with our ability to concentrate, focus, stay present…

“Mindful Monday” ~ The Monday evening drop-in session will be CANCELLED THIS WEEK, MAY 19th due to unforeseen circumstances!

“Mindful Monday” ~ The Monday evening drop-in session will be CANCELLED THIS WEEK, MAY 19th due to unforeseen circumstances!

  Mindful Monday, the Monday evening drop-in session at Magnolia’s Bloom will be CANCELLED this week, May 19th due to unforeseen circumstances. We will resume as scheduled next Monday, May 26th. Please contact me with any questions. Wishing all a week filled with mindful attention,…

There are a few seats available for the Building Healthy Boundaries Class on May 29th! Reserve your seat today!

There are a few seats available for the Building Healthy Boundaries Class on May 29th! Reserve your seat today!

What seeds are you sowing for summer? What intentions are you planting! Fully Mindful is offering a 2 hour workshop on May 29th: Building Healthy Boundaries. This workshop is an excellent opportunity to explore the art of speaking and living our truth with kindness, compassion, respect,…

Give yourself permission to let go of painful thoughts and feelings!

Give yourself permission to let go of painful thoughts and feelings!

We are NOT our thoughts. We are NOT our feelings. And we are NOT our mistakes! Each of these  inform us, but they do NOT define us! Bring to mind a painful, uncomfortable, or embarrassing experience and gently turn toward it with compassion, kindness, and…

Check out New and Exciting Workshops with Fully Mindful!

Check out New and Exciting Workshops with Fully Mindful!

  Hello friends! What seeds are you planting and cultivating this spring? Check out upcoming offerings in May and June with Fully Mindful ! Thursday, May 29th 7:00-9:00 pm  ~ A  Workshop on Building Healthy Boundaries: The art of saying “NO” with Kindness (registration now open!) Friday, June 6th…

Mindful Monday thought: what if our intention for the day was kindness?

Mindful Monday thought: what if our intention for the day was kindness?

It’s Mindful Monday! What is your intention for today? For this week?  Everything begins with intention…our attitude, our attention, our choices, our actions… What if your intention today was kindness? What would that look like and how would that change your day? When we practice…